How do I become an iiP Facilitator?

Get trained as an invest in play® Facilitator and become part of an international network and community of practice.

Get started with a 3-day training

iiP offers a high quality 3-day training that prepares facilitators to deliver the iiP Teacher programme. The training is appropriate for anyone working in the school support system or with specialist functions in school and kindergarten. iiP Facilitators can then go on to become Supervisors and Trainers in the programme.

The iiP Teacher Programme trainings will be advertised as soon as they are available.

Learn more about the iiP Teacher Programme here.

Training Pathway

Level 1: The training pathway starts from the bottom brick with programme materials. The quality in programme delivery and implementation increases for every brick you add. 
Level 2: The 3-day training includes a license which gives access to all the online materials needed to deliver the iiP Core Teacher Programme. After the initial training, facilitators are ready to begin delivering the programme to groups of teachers.
Level 3: iiP then offers further training to enhance facilitators' skills. Participating in 2 skills-based masterclasses makes you an iiP Accredited Facilitator.
Level 4: You can expand your skills further by participating in 3 video-based, themed supervisions, which makes you a Fidelity Facilitator. Implementation research shows that to maintain positive outcomes for teachers, facilitators should receive on-going supervision. Therefore
Level 4 is our recommended package for sustainable implementation.
Level 5 and 6: The two blue bricks are designed to build long term sustainability and enhance cost-effectiveness for the organisation.