Six Bricks Parenting

Our mission is to support children and their caregivers using practical and compassionate strategies that have been proven to work over many decades.

Book description

The Six Bricks Parenting book

The invest in play® Six Bricks Parenting book is written to support children and their caregivers using practical and compassionate strategies that have been proven to work over many decades. It provides an introduction to the Six Bricks for Kids model and can be read on its own to provide a new framework for parent-child interactions. It is also used as the text for our 12 week parent intervention.

The invest in play® Six Bricks for Kids model is centred around six research-proven steps that will help build a strong foundation for children’s lives. Parents who use these steps will learn how to: 

  • Use play and positive attention to create solid parent-child relationships and confidence. 
  • Support their child’s learning, emotional literacy and social skills.
  • Set caring limits that create a predictable and safe environment for children to thrive.
  • Regulate strong emotions, their own as well as their child’s.

We hope you enjoy this journey with your child as you are building foundations for life. 


English, Danish


Being a parent is hard. You don’t learn how to do it in school. I think all parents should have access to these tools.

Martin // father of a 5 year old boy and a 7 year old girl 

These tools have changed my life, and my family´s life too; and I know it will change many others

Kayleigh // mother of a 4 year old girl.

We have been so thankful for these tools. Yesterday we talked about the fact that we don’t even remember our problems anymore. Things are going so well at home, and our son really benefits from the changes we are making.

Kitt // mother of a 7 year old boy